torsdag 27 oktober 2016

Final Post

You should write a 1000 word commentary in which you reflect about different ways of combining different methods in order to answer complex research questions.

This will be my final blog post, where I will explain my learnings from the course as well as give some reflection about different ways of combining different methods in order to answer complex research questions. I would like to start by getting into the core of the question of why, I mean Why do we want to answer complex research questions in the first place? Well, I would say that it is because we want to collect new knowledge. This leads us to the following question, What is knowledge? In the beginning of the course we had a discussion about this question which I thought was quite difficult yet interesting. Difficult in the way that reading text by Kant and Plato and get hold of their philosophical way of thinking was very new to me and different from my previous courses on KTH where most of them are based on theoretical facts. However, during the discussion of what knowledge is we identified two different types of knowledge, from the perspective of Kant. One that is based on a priori way of collecting knowledge and another based on a posteriori way of collecting knowledge. The former, a priori, could be described as a knowledge that does not require any experience, i.e. an obvious knowledge that we just know is correct. While the latter, a posteriori, needs experience to confirm the knowledge. An interesting question here is whether the knowledge is really true in the sense that it is true to everyone, objective truth, or true to you, subjective truth. Since our perception is our way of interpreting the world I would argue that there is no such thing as a truly objective knowledge because the human perception is very much subjective. Another subjective factor is experience. For example, Socrates mentions that different people could see or hear different things even though they are watching the same picture or listening to the same song due to their previous experiences, which is something I personally agree with.

In order to answer complex research question, we rely on existing theories and build hypotheses. Research and Theory was another theme in this course where we discussed what theory is and what theory is not. The concept of theory and hypothesis is often mixed up and many people, me included, often defines the concepts as synonyms which certainly is not the case. Hypotheses are assumptions, i.e. unverified claims. Hypotheses are proposed theories or theories that are not proven or verified. From the hypothesis you build a theory by, for example, making observations or experiments. A theory, however, can at any time be reconsidered or rejected if it happens to be proven wrong. I would say that theories never can be definitive verified.

When the hypothesis is formed it is time to state which question to research as well as investigating the problem area. Investigating the problem area often means that the researcher examines what kind of problem it is, looking at previous studies in the same field and evaluate what kind of data is useful and accessible. The investigation is necessary and important in order to determine which research method to use for the study. Different studies require different research methods. During the course we have studied different ways of conducting research. It has been very helpful to carefully go through these methods, considering our coming master thesis. I would say that the focus has been on qualitative and quantitative research methods. The methods differs quite a lot regarding the collecting and processing of the data. Qualitative research methods are characterized by the in-depth knowledge of the problem area as well as a deeper understanding of why people think or feel in a specific way. When using qualitative methods it is easier to include the context of the study. Qualitative methods are often used in areas where there is no or poor knowledge beforehand. Qualitative methods are often used when the aim is to study questions of how and why. Quantitative methods, on the other hand, are often used when the aim is to study questions of what, when and who. Quantitative research rely on large amounts of data and for statistical use. The collected data are often easy to measure and analyze, as well as the easiness to compare and categorize the answers among the participants. The end result of studies using quantitative methods is often developed models and theories based on the results. In sum, quantitative research is to prefer when the aim is to find correlations in large amounts of data. Quantitative methods, however, lacks the ability to explain the reason for these correlations, in which qualitative methods is to prefer. With that being said, qualitative and quantitative methods are very good complements for each other. I think it is important to give the choice of method an extra thought. The choice of method is crucial in order to get the most out of the study. As mentioned before, different studies require different research methods.

During the course we also discussed case studies and design research. One of the advantages with case studies is that it allows you to study one very specific case. The case might be about a specific setting, or it might be about a specific phenomenon. Because the study is so specific the result will not be generalizable. For me, the non-existing generalization factor is what makes case studies intriguing. You can only say something about your specific case, due to the great possibility that the outcome would have differ with other participants and conditions. I think it is important that we sometimes try to understand one specific case rather than trying to determine how something works in every cases.

I would like to finish this post by brining up Kant’s Copernicus example that mediate the importance of putting things in a wider perspective to gain knowledge. Copernicus failed in trying to explain how the sun revolved around the earth which made him take on a new perspective and instead study the sun as the midpoint for the earth to revolve around. And just like Copernicus, we should never stop questioning things if we want the absolute truth.

My comments during the course

Theme 1 comments

Theme 2 comments

Theme 3 comments

Theme 4 comments

Theme 5 comments

Theme 6 comments

måndag 17 oktober 2016

Post Reflection: Theme 6

The theme for this week has been Qualitative and case study research with the assignment to select two media technology research papers, one that is using qualitative methods and one that is using case study research method. For the paper using qualitative methods I selected a paper that investigated whether group texting can improve people’s health and the neighborhood ties in low-income communities. It was quite obvious that the researchers used qualitative methods since the methods used were semi-structured in-depths interviews and an experimental test of texting intervention, which are characterized as qualitative. The case study paper was about developing a framework for the analysis of social media strategies among organizations. The researchers did a literature review as well as studying nine different types of companies in how they worked with social media. In the introduction and throughout the paper the authors stated that the framework was built on case studies. However, when reading these papers I had a hard time understanding why the latter was categorized as a case study research and not as a research using qualitative methods. In other words, I had a hard time distinguish the difference between a case study research and a research using qualitative methods.

In my first blogpost I defined a case study as a research strategy that seeks a deeper knowledge about the examined topic and what characterize a case study is the in-depth examination and research which is often done by focusing on one or a few cases. Having this definition in mind when reading the case study paper I selected I got confused why the authors chose to examine companies from so many different fields and not focusing on one field, for example technology companies. As I interpreted the goal of a case study was to gain deeper knowledge about one specific case, which I thought contradicted the article. However, during the seminar I got the chance to discuss this question with the class which was really helpful. The main things that came out of that discussion were that case studies recognizes the borders of the study and are less generalizable. And what really helped me understand why my selected paper is categorized as a case study research was the explanation that case studies might be about a specific setting, but it might also be about a specific phenomenon which is the case in my selected paper. The authors are studying the phenomenon social media among organizations, and the important factor is not which organizations are examined, but rather how social media is included in the work. The common denominator is that, whether the case study is about a specific setting or a specific phenomenon, it is something we do not know enough about to formulate a research question but is still interesting enough so that you can look more detailed into it and formulate a research question at the end of the research. In other words, case studies are not about answering questions. It is about coming up with them.

torsdag 6 oktober 2016

Post Reflection: Theme 5

The theme for this week has been Design research with the assignment to read two articles, Finding design qualities in a tangible programming space by Fernaeus and Tholander as well as Differentiated Driving Range by Lundström, both using design research as a research method. One of the task was to define the empirical data in these two articles which I had a hard time doing. Mostly because I was not entirely sure what empirical data actually is. This week’s lecturer, Ylva Fernaeus, talked about it a bit but I still struggled with the definition. During the seminar me and my group spend quite some time discussing what empirical data actually is and whether practical design work in itself can be viewed as a knowledge contribution. We came to the conclusion that empirical data is all the information and insights you collect from doing observation and experimentation as well as building prototypes and testing them. The process within a design research is also a kind of data. We all agreed that one of the main differences between design intentions within a research project and design in general is the focus on the process, which is more obvious in design within a research project. Design in general, for example designing a new product, is more focused on functionality and optimization and there is also a business side of it: How should we develop this product so that can make revenues?. Of course design research could include a business side but I think the intention is more about finding out behaviours and attitudes towards different topics. To use a classical quote as illustration regarding design intention within a research project: It’s not about the destination. It’s about the journey. Compared to design i general where it’s more about the destination and not so much the journey.

Regarding whether practical design work in itself can be viewed as a knowledge contribution, I would still argue that it can. During the seminar my group had a short discussion with Andreas Lundström about this and his take on it was that silent knowledge can come out of empirical data by for example the pre-study and testing prototypes. He also said that the result of a design oriented research could be the problem, which I had never thought of but makes a lot of sense. By observing people you might identify some sort of problem that needs to be solved. I am going to use Lundström’s article as an example, by observing electric car drivers Lundström noticed that the current driving range tool on the dashboard sometimes cause confusion among the drivers. He thereby identified a problem, by observing electric car drivers, that needs to be solved. I would not say that Lundstörm’s proposed prototype for a different driving range system is the result of his research. I would rather claim that the one important result of Lundstörm’s study was the insight to improve the situation for electric car drivers. That is, the problem is the result. Lundström tolds us that he had written a follow-up article where he let people test his prototype. In such study the result is obviously not an identified problem, but rather the outcome of the prototype testing. But I think it’s interesting how you can do one research to identify a problem and use that research to do a follow-up testing the solution.

Theme 4: Comments

I commented on the following blogs: